Get Involved: National Suicide Prevention Month

In September, we commemorate National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, National Suicide Prevention Week (September 9-15), and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). To encourage awareness about suicide prevention this month, FailSafe for Life is offering opportunities for action, education, and connection through various events.
National Suicide Prevention Week (September 9-15)
FailSafe for Life Kindness Campaign
In an effort to encourage connection in our community, FailSafe for Life will be participating in random acts of kindness this week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what we're up to, and pay it forward with your own acts of kindness! Tag us and include the hashtag #IAMFAILSAFE for a chance to be featured on our pages!
World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10)
Movie and a Mission: Suicide: The Ripple Effect
To celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day and kick off our kindness campaign, FailSafe for Life is acting as movie captain to bring the film, “Suicide: The Ripple Effect,” to the Spokane community. If your life has ever been touched by depression, hardship, or thoughts of suicide, we urge you to see this film. If you are questioning your value in this world, we urge you to see this film. If you have lost a loved one to suicide, we urge you to see this film. Join us for an evening of connecting as a community, raising awareness, and encouraging hope and healing.
FailSafe for Life Fundraiser Dance Party (September 22)
Jazzercise Spokane is hosting a special fundraiser class on Saturday, September 22 at 9am! Your $10 donation entry fee will go directly to FailSafe for Life, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the goal of ending suicide in the Spokane community. Click here to learn more.
Spokane Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk (September 22)
This is a fundraising walk benefiting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you are attending this event, stop by our vendor resource table and say hi! We will have lots of free goodies to give out and would love to see you there. This year's walk takes place on Saturday, September 22 at 10am. Click here to learn more and register for this event.
QPR Gatekeeper Training (September 27)
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. FailSafe for Life will be hosting this training free of cost thanks to a generous donation by Providence Health Care through their Community Benefit program. Click here to register!
3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Comedy Show (September 29)
This comedy show was created to honor Cody Watson, a man considered a hero by his friends and family, an icon in the Spokane hockey community, and a role model in defending the United States. After serving his country in Afghanistan he fell victim to suicide upon returning home. This show is intended to raise awareness and help prevent others from falling victim to suicide. This year, all ticket sales will be donated to FailSafe for Life in the name of Cody Watson. Click here to learn more about purchasing tickets for this event.